
We offer our expertise and support throughout to make your appeal a successful one.

  • Remember, if you need us we are just a call away, for free on: 020 7183 1883

What is involved in an appeal?

Under section 82 of the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002, a person may appeal to the Tribunal where a decision has been made to either refuse a protection claim, refuse a human rights claim, revoke protection status.

Applicants need to make an application in First Tier Tribunal (Asylum ad Immigration) with grounds for their appeal. To be valid and accepted this notice of appeal should be given within 14 days from the date of decision is served.

The appeal will subsequently be listed to hear at First Tier Tribunal before an independent Immigration Judge. Depending on the refusal reasons, type of application, available evidence and applicant and other related parties’ circumstances, appeal process can be categorised from simple to vey complex. This sometimes need weeks of preparations before the final hearing.

We can advise and assist you in preparation of appeal grounds, gathering evidence, compilation of appeal bundles and represent you in your appeal at First Tier Tribunal.

For more information about this service call us today on: 020 7183 1883

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