Administrative Reviews

Administrative reviews requests could be made to review an eligible decision if there is a case working error.

  • Remember, if you need us we are just a call away, for free on: 020 7183 1883

What is involved with Administrative Reviews?

Administrative reviews requests could be made to review an eligible decision if there is a case working error.  Applicant is given 14 calendar days from the date the applicant receives the decision notice if the application must be made while the person is in the UK.

In case of an Entry Clearance application, the time limit is 28 calendar days from the date the applicant receives the decision notice.

Applicants usually can not rely upon new evidence in review request.

Eligible in-country decisions are:

  • Tier 4 applications made on or after 20 October 2014 by either a main applicant or dependant
  • Tiers 1, 2 or 5 applications made on or after 2 March 2015 by either a main applicant or dependant, including indefinite leave to remain applications under those routes
  • applications where the decision was made on or after 6 April, unless the applicant applied as a visitor or made a protection or human rights claim

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